林墉,1942年生,广东潮州人,1966年毕业于广州美术学院中国画系。历任中国美术家协会副主席、广东省文联副主席、广东省美术家协会主席、广东画院副院长、中国国家画院院务委员、广州美术学院院外教授等,现为中国美术家协会顾问、广东省文联顾问、广东省美术家协会名誉主席,享受国务院特殊津贴专家、国家一级美术师。擅人物,又及花鸟、山水,兼擅文论及插图,风格潇洒、清新、明丽。出版画集文集有:《林墉作品集》、《林墉插图选》、《林墉速写选》、《访问巴基斯坦画集》、《梦之女》、《林墉中国画作品选辑》、《林墉中国画小品选》、《当代中国美术家?林墉画传》、《林墉?霸悍的恣丽》、《再画印度》、《南蛮语画》、《林墉奇谈》、《梦话?人语》等40余集。三次出访巴基斯坦,获巴基斯坦总统授予“卓越勋章” 。作品为中国革命军事博物馆、中国美术馆、中国国家画院、广东美术馆、广州美术学院、广州艺术博物院、深圳美术馆、关山月美术馆等及海内外收藏家收藏。Lin Yong (Born 1942)Born in Chaozhou in 1942, Lin Yong graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1966. Lin is specialized in portraits,flower and bird paintings. Lin has presented exhibitions and lectures within the country and abroad,including National Fine Arts Exhibition. In 1976 he was commissioned by the National Military History Museum. During 1978-1983,he was invited as cultural liaison to Pakistan three times and presented exhibition tours all over the country. In 1982,his works have won “Luxun Culture Award“ and the President of Pakistan award him the “Pakistan Medal of Honor“ one year later. Moreover, his artworks have been exhibited in China and all over the world including Japan,Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Various art organizations in China collected his works including National Art Gallery of China,Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting. He is currently the Vice-Director of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Academy,Vice-Chairman of China Artists' Association, Member of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting,Chairman of Guangdong Artists' Association and National First Class Painter.